
Heureka Integration

Safe, simple, and comfortable online shopping - this is Heureka Group: the largest e-commerce platform on Central and Eastern European markets. Over 20 million users turn to us for an assistance and advice each month. They belong among the elite of price-comparison shopping sites and shopping advisors in the countries where in which they operate. They assist customers with products and e-shop selections. Heureka Group customers write millions e-shop evaluations per month. By doing so, they help other customers with their e-shop selections.

Online shopping on Heureka Group platform is simple, safe and fast. It features an overview of offered products in all categories along with great filtering mechanisms, drawing price-comparisons, e-shop and product reviews, as well as write ups and experiences of other customers. They tag all quality and reliable e-shops. They provide complex information for your shopping experience.

Feeds de producto

  • - Update Inventory (Dostupnostni feed) - XML
  • - Product feed - XML
  • - Update Inventory (Dostupnostni feed) - XML
  • - Product feed - XML


  • República Checa
  • Eslovaquia

Tipo de integración de canales

    El canal de venta Heureka se integra con Koongo a través de un feed de producto.

Conoce Koongo

Koongo ayuda a los vendedores online a tener éxito en marketplaces, sitios web de comparación de productos, redes sociales y afiliados, al automatizar la sincronización de datos y pedidos. Permite a los vendedores online vender en más lugares con menos esfuerzo.

Conecta con tus canales de venta en 4 pasos:

  • Empieza los 30 días de prueba gratuita
  • Crea una cuenta de vendedor en el canal de venta de tu elección
  • Crea un feed de producto en tu perfil de Koongo
  • Activa la sincronización automática de productos y pedidos

Heureka integration manual

For Heureka channel integration, there are 2 feeds are available:

  • Product feed - uploads the product data from your store to Heureka database.
  • Update Inventory feed - can be used for stock updates.

For Heureka channel integration, please follow the steps below.

1. Register on Heureka

Sign up for an account on Heureka:

2. Create Heureka feed

Add the Heureka feed to your profile grid. For more details please check the manual below:

3. Heureka category mapping

Please map your store categories to Heureka categories.

4. Set Heureka connection up

Please contact support team or support team. Check the Feed preview, copy the feed URL link and send it to Heureka support team for validation.

Asistencia en la configuración del canal de venta

¿Tienes problemas con la configuración del feed de datos? Contacta con nosotros en Estaremos encantados de ayudarte.

Empieza a vender con Koongo

o contacta con nosotros para conocer más detalles